TGF: Tell us about your journey to get here.

I graduated from Salford University where I studied Graphic Design. Even though it was a design course I focused on editing and motion graphics. This led me to work for a production company called White Noise where I worked for 12 years becoming Senior Editor/Director. In 2018 I decided to go freelance to expand my network, learn more and meet creative minded people within the industry. After a year I was offered a job at The Gate which is a company I have watched and respected over the years so it was a no brainer to take that opportunity.



TGF: What’s the best advice that you’ve ever been given?

2 Pieces of advice. First from my dad back when I was 16 years old and a bit lost wondering which direction to take my life. I was interested in art and design so my dad said “everything you see has been designed so there will always be work in it...go and do that” so I went to art college which opened my eyes to so much creativity.  

The second is from a wonderful screen print artist called Anthony Burrill. His book ‘Make Yourself’ had a line in which asked the question. ‘Have you been happy with the work you have produced over the last 12 months?’ I realised I wasn't happy and needed a change so that gave me the push I needed to leave my job and go freelance. This move led me to The Gate and doing work I enjoy daily with a team I love.


TGF: What’s your go-to advice to help others?

Advice for editors would be to stay current. Look at what’s going on around you in the advertising/film/tv world. Learn how to work on all aspects of commercial editing from offline/grade/VFX/Online so you can adapt and respond to any problem in front of you. 



TGF: Tell us about your life ambition.

To travel back in time to be part of the making of Jaws. If that doesn’t become possible then I want to continue to grow the post department at The Gate and keep building something that continually makes me proud.

TGF: Is there an unforgettable project that shaped your way of working? 

Not especially. Every job has a problem which you have to overcome, be it technical or creative.  By overcoming these issues you learn something on every job which you take into the next.




TGF: Who would be your dream client?

SS: Mike?

MN: Speaking.

SS: It’s Steven Spielberg.

MN: Oh, hi Steven.

SS: Listen, i know you are a big Jaws fan so i wanted to give you the first run at cutting together a short doc about the making of the film. This footage has never been seen before by anyone in the world. What do you think?

MN: Well Steven, I’m glad you called. I’d be delighted.


TGF: What advice would you give those wanting to work in film:  

A screen print from Anthony Burrill says ‘Work hard and be nice’ which says it all.