It's Christmaaaaaas! Which means, time for a hot choc (or mulled wine) and a festive film with the family. Our team tells us their all time favourites. 





Dan - "What's a Christmas gram I want one?!"

Josh - "you’re an angry elf"

Charlie - "You stink. You smell like beef and cheese! You don't smell like Santa. You sit on a throne of lies"

Hollie & Holly - "SANTAAAAAAAAAAAAA! Oh my god!! Santa, here. I know him!!"


Love Actually

Love Actually


Lauren - ''But for now, let me say. Without hope or agenda. Just because it's Christmas. And at Christmas you tell the truth. To me, you are perfect.''

Emily - Karen: "There was more than one lobster present at the birth of Jesus?"
Daisy: "Duh"  


Polar Express

Polar Express


Lindsay - "never ever let it cool...." about the hot chocolate!


Home Alone

Home Alone


Harley - "Buzz, your girlfriend. Woof!"

National Lampoons Christmas Vacation

National Lampoon


James S - Clark W. Griswold Jr.: (As company execs walk by) "Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas. Kiss my ass. Kiss his ass. Kiss your ass. Happy Hanukkah."


Muppets Christmas Carol



Emma -  "Oh wait a second... I forgot my jellybeans. Um..."

Bad Santa

Bad Santa


James C - "Why don't you wish in one hand, and sh*t in the other. See which one fills up first"

Die Hard

Die Hard


Fran - "Yippie-Kai-Yay, Motherfucker"

Mike - "Now I have a machine gun. HO - HO - HO"


Feature Film  Christmas